Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Transgender Bathroom Law?

I was struggling to find something to rant about this morning because I was actually feeling all right with the world when I woke up today. Less than 10 seconds on Facebook and I had my topic. This whole transgender bathroom nonsense. So far as I can tell, we have Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr, Bryan Adams, Pearl Jam and two Disney drones canceling concerts in North Carolina and Mississippi; Paypal abandoning a proposed Charlotte office; a new Hulu show relocating its filming location away from Charlotte NC. That's a pretty hefty response in terms of media coverage. In addition, there is a boycott of Target by people who think they are encouraging sexual predators by being open to transgender folks using their bathrooms.
Now, I may be wrong here, but I don't really think sexual predators actually care about laws. They are after all deviants in the true sense of the word. Keep in mind here that I am not talking about transgender, transvestite, gay or lesbian folks as deviant. I am talking about sexual predators and they come in every stripe (pardon the pun). I have read about more Catholic Priests abusing little boys and Evangelicals are the main source of cults these days, yet I don't see any movement to keep them out of bathrooms. I am a firm believer that most people want to simply be about their life with a minimum of interference. I also believe that statement applies to everyone whether his or her nether regions are what they were born with or had installed.
The main thing I want from most people is their silence, or even better, their absence. I want peace and quiet to read my books, listen to my music, and try to write my endless succession of first chapters.
Whatever your personal preference in plumbing, it is exactly that: your personal preference. I have had it with the government getting involved with personal choices. I could understand if it was actually a question of public safety, but when was the last time you heard of a young Christian boy being beaten to death by a gang of trannies? The opposite happens more frequently.
This really all boils down to white male Christians who think their tiny penises are in huge demand and are afraid of getting groped in the toilet (which they secretly want to happen anyway). Face it John Q. Public, nobody really wants to handle your junk. Get over it and move on to something that actually matters.

Nuff Said.

1 comment:

  1. I totally forgot to comment on this last time I was here. Tis an issue I am close to as I know work with and am friends with several trans people. Never have I see a set of people so misaligned and misrepresented in the media. Ridiculous. Your post was spot on.
