I am currently reading the collected
letters of Hunter S. Thompson. Whenever I read HST I am tempted to
write something about my political views. I normally ignore this
feeling, hoping I will drift back into
my normal state of alternating apathy
and seething rage. But Hunter himself prompted to start writing this
with a single sentence in one of his letters: 'My general feeling is
a loss of hope in the largest sense, a pessimistic rage, and a
disorganized compulsion to enter the fray at once.'
I despise politics and politicians. I
have yet to take notice of one who isn't more interested in keeping
the perks of his office than doing what his constituents need him to
do. The current state of American politics is shamefully ridiculous.
On the Republican side:
Donald Trump is a salesman – slick,
polished [with the exception of his unruly Pomeranian head] and
trying to prove P.T. Barnum's old aphorism that 'there is a sucker
born every minute' by becoming President of these United States.
Anyone who votes for him has partaken of far too much Republican
kool-aid. From what I have seen, he approaches the Presidency as
another stage of his reality show.
Ted Cruz made himself unelectable with
one simple statement: “I was anointed by God to become President.”
One night back in the 90s I was driving back to Birmingham from a
refreshing visit to Clinton, Iowa. As I wound through the dark hills
south of Nashville on I-65 I was listening to a tape I had made of my
favorite Rush songs. By the end of the trip I was convinced that
Neal, Alex and Geddy were telling me I needed to get it together and
run for President. By Cruz's rationale, I have a better claim to the
Presidency than he does because at least Rush is real (although they
are Canadian so I'm not sure if their recommendation should matter to
an American candidate).
On the Democratic side:
Hilary Clinton. What can be said about
Hilary? Nothing good, that's for sure. Every time I hear her name I
think of Vince Foster. A man who probably knew far too many of the
Clinton's secrets and somehow managed to double tap himself in the
back of the head and fling the gun across the room in what what is
undoubtedly the single most magical gun-related death since President
Kennedy. Leaving aside poor Vince Foster for the moment, this woman
is a horrible liar. I don't mean “oh it's horrible that she lies so
much.” I mean she is really bad at it. Has anyone ever believed a
word she said? Anyone looking at her face can see traces of
megalomania and the lust for power and position in her eyes. I have
no problem with a female President. Hell, I would probably vote for
Elizabeth Warren if she ran. She at least appears honest.
Bernie Sanders. Now here is an enigma.
A man who has served in the belly of the beast for a long time. He's
making admirable strides in getting the common man involved.
Intellectuals who aren't already brainwashed into the Clinton mindset
can't help but hold out hope for this dark horse. The fact that the
Democratic power brokers are stealing every state from him in the run
up to the primary while he continually rakes in a popular majority is
enough to make me want to vote for him. His ideas aren't that
far-fetched. If you're wondering where the money for his plans will
come from...how about we slice a bit off from our bloated DOD cow.
And all this ranting about Democratic Socialism is ridiculous. Bernie
is no Hitler [That is Trump's role]. I for one am 100% behind full
employment, socialized medicine, term limits for Senators and
Congressman, wage cuts for politicians, $15 an hour minimum wage
across the board [including military], pricing regulations on
medications, and many other things I'm sure.
So there, Hunter. I just hope this was
disorganized enough to make you proud of my compulsion.
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